Community Preservation & Sustainability

“We are witnessing, in essence, the genesis of a set of rich, diverse and varied coalitions — each member bringing to the whole their own unique interests and views.” -Bruce Katz, Director of the Center on Urban and Metropolitan Policy at the Brookings Institution, who foresaw the rapid increase of the forces of Smart Growth.

Community Preservation Project Plan

One of the key elements supporting the adoption and implementation of the Town of Warwick Community Preservation Fund is the Community Preservation Project Plan (CPPP).   The CPPP serves to build upon the 1999 Comprehensive Plan and 2002 Zoning Law, as well as new initiatives, including but not limited to additional regulatory techniques and subdivision, zoning and wetland protection laws, as well as a multitude of other conservation strategies that have been adopted by the Town.

Purchase of Development Rights (PDR)

PDR has improved our communities. This $9.5 million bond issue was embraced by the voters of Warwick in 2000 to save farmland through the voluntary purchase of the development rights of farm properties and open space: the land remains farmland in perpetuity, farmers receive monies which enable them to modernize their operations, and they don’t feel it’s necessary to sell to developers to make ends meet.

What is PDR?


PDR Map – High Resolution (NOTE: This is a 31mb file that SHOULD NOT be opened on a mobile data connection) 

PDR Application Package

Community Preservation Fund (CPF)

When a house or land is sold in Warwick, the buyer pays a small fee, generally less than the amount charged for title fees in a mortgage’s closing costs. The seller pays nothing. This fee is added to a dedicated escrow fund that can only be used for projects identified in the Community Preservation Plan to preserve the community character of Warwick.

The CPF will spread the cost for continuing preservation to those who will enjoy the past and current fruits of our labor by contributing to our shared future in a desirable, livable Warwick.


The Town of Warwick is currently participating in the New York State Energy Research and Development Authority (NYSERDA) Clean Energy Communities Program.  READ MORE….