Supervisor’s Office

The Town Supervisor functions as the chief executive of the Town. The Supervisor is in charge of all Town offices, handles all complaints, and has broad administrative responsibility for the Town Budget. In that regard, the Supervisor is the CFO for the Town. The Supervisor presides over the Town Board and has an equal vote with the other Town Board members.
Town Clerk’s Office

The Town Clerk handles a multitude of tasks that involve keeping an accurate record of various activities within the Town. The amount of work the Town Clerk’s office deals with is quite extensive. Responsibilities involve everything from handling all aspects of the Town’s election proceedings to recording Town meeting minutes to safe-keeping of all official Town certificates and records to issuing permits and licenses.
Building Department

The Building Department enforces all New York State and Town of Warwick Building Code requirements in a manner to ensure the safety and stability of all structures within the Town. The building department issues any relevant permits and the building inspector, town engineer, and code enforcement personnel review the work.
Planning Board

The Planning Board studies and votes on applications for site plan review, special use permits and subdivisions. This independent Board, appointed by the Town Board, also participates in official map changes, zone changes, as well as the adoption and changes to the zoning ordinance, zoning map and master plan.
Department of Public Works

The Town of Warwick Department of Public Works was formed in 1986, when the responsibilities of the Town Highway Department and Town Park Department were combined. The DPW is responsible for maintenance and improvements to the Town highway system and parks. This includes repairing the local highways, cutting the weeds on the right-of-way, and removing snow. The Highway Law and Town Law, Section 32, provides more information.
Police Department

The Town of Warwick encompasses over one hundred square miles in southern Orange County, New York. It has the second largest population of any municipality in the county. The Warwick police department has the primary patrol and investigative responsibility for the Town and the Village of Warwick and their residents.
Assessor’s Office

The Assessor is a local government official who estimates the value of real property within a city, town, or village’s boundaries. This value is converted into an assessment, which is one component in the computation of real property tax bills.
Receiver of Taxes

The collector or Receiver of Taxes is given the tax roll from which the property owners are billed for Town, County and special district taxes. The taxes collected are turned over to the proper agencies. School taxes are ordinarily levied separately, using a duplicate copy of the assessment roll provided for the school board. A Receiver of Taxes in a Town of the first class collect school taxes unless there has been an agreement with the school board to the contrary.
Justice Court

The Warwick Town Court has broad criminal and civil jurisdiction ranging from the arraignment and intial hearings on felony level criminal cases, to the adjudication of both penal law and vehicle and traffic crimes, violations and offenses, domestic violence cases and issuance of temporary and continuing orders of protection, civil proceedings, landlord/tenant matters, Town Code violations, environmental conservation cases and animal cruelty issues, among others.