PLEASE TAKE NOTICE that the Planning Board of the Town of Warwick will hold a Public Hearing on December 15, 2021 at 7:30 p.m., or as soon thereafter as the matter can be heard, at the Town Hall, 132 Kings Highway, Warwick, New York, on the application of Amity Investors, LLC, for the application Site Plan Approval and Special Use Permit for the construction and use of apartments and a food retail market in the existing building to consist of a mixed use of Two 1-Bedroom Apartments located on the upper level of existing building and a 1,500 s. f. retail food market with café/deli service located on the lower level of existing building A/K/A Jolly Onion, situated on tax parcel S 12 B 2 L 12.21; project located on the southern side of C.R. 1 and the western side of Glenwood Road (625 Glenwood Rd.), in the LB zone, of the Town of Warwick, County of Orange, State of New York.
All interested parties will be given an opportunity to speak.
Benjamin Astorino
Dated: December 7, 2021