SUPERVISOR’S CORNER: Week of February 10, 2025By: Jesse Dwyer

BY:  JESSE DWYER, WARWICK SUPERVISOR For Town information log on to The Town of Warwick’s Friendly Visitor Program is offering a Volunteer Training opportunity via Zoom on February 27th, 2025 from 5pm – 6:45 pm.  Please note that Pre-Approval…

PRESS RELEASE: Town of Warwick Police Department (WPD) awarded the “Certificate of Accreditation”

The Town of Warwick Police Department (WPD) was awarded the “Certificate of Accreditation” by the New York State Law Enforcement Accreditation Program on Thurs., Mar. 9 in Albany, NY. In the WPDs continued commitment in providing the highest level of…

NOTICE OF ADOPTION: Purchase of Open Spaces (Bond)

NOTICE OF ADOPTION                                                                        Town of Warwick PLEASE TAKE NOTICE that on August 18, 2022, the Town Board of the Town of Warwick, New York, adopted a bond resolution entitled:   BOND RESOLUTION OF THE TOWN OF WARWICK, ADOPTED AUGUST…