Can I register my business with the police department?
Yes. You can fill out the Business Emergency Contact Form.
Does my alarm system have to be registered?
Yes. All residential or business alarm systems need to be registered with the Town and Village of Warwick. The Alarm Registration Form can be downloaded or can be picked up at the police station.
Do we provide fingerprinting?
Yes. We fingerprint Town & Village of Warwick residents, persons with a business, or employed by a business within the Town and Village of Warwick.
How much does fingerprinting cost?
The cost for fingerprinting is $5.
When can fingerprints be done?
Fingerprints can be done at 7:00 am, 3:00 pm, or 11:00 pm without an appointment. Anticipate 30 minutes, or longer, depending on calls for service. Any other time is up to the discretion of the shift supervisor.
Do you check Vacant Houses; Vacation Watch?
Yes. Please fill out come in and fill out a Vacant House report.
When is Applefest?
Applefest is held on the first Sunday in October. Refer to the Applefest website for additional information.
Can you give me directions to the Warwick Drive-In?
Please refer to the Warwick Drive-In website for further information. Due to the volume of telephone calls, Police Dispatchers do not always have time to give directions.
How can I get my vehicle released from Impound?
Refer to Impound Release Instructions.
Do you provide background checks?
Yes. We will check our automated records for any criminal activity. Please refer to the New York State Division of Criminal Justice Services website for information about Criminal Histories.
What can I do about speeding vehicles on my street?
If you suspect a speeding problem on your street, you may call the police department at 845.986.3423 to ask for extra patrols. If resources are available, the department can also place a speed trailer on your street that displays driver speeds.
I got a traffic ticket; how much is the fine?
Fines are determined by the Town and Village Justice Court. Please contact the court listed on your summons for further information.
Warwick Town Court – 845.986.1128
Warwick Village Court – 845.986.7044
Greenwood Lake Court – 845.477.9218
Florida Village Court – 845.651.4940
Do you accept traffic fines?
The police department does not accept fines. Please contact the court listed above.
Can I make a police report over the telephone?
Police reports cannot be taken over the phone. A police officer needs to interview you. On most matters an officer can respond to your location to take initial information to start the report process. Reports can also be taken at the Town Police Department. To expedite the report process you can fill out the Window Activity Form and bring it with you.
How do I obtain copies of police reports?
To obtain a police report, you must fill out a Freedom of Information Law request (FOIL). The form can also be obtained at the police station. Depending on the information requested, the request may take several days. A member of the police department will contact you with the results of your request.
Do we safekeep weapons?
Yes, with restrictions though. Contact the Police Department for additional information.
How do I find out if the schools were closed due to inclement weather?
Please visit the website of the school your child attends.
Can we park our cars overnight on the street?
In the Town of Warwick parking is prohibited on all roads during inclement weather starting November 1 through April 1 of the succeeding year. In the Village of Warwick there is no parking between November 1 through April 1 of the succeeding year.