Do you need a permit for a shed, chicken coop, fence, deck, pool, new roof or new windows?
Yes, any accessory structure needs a permit.
How can I find out what zone I’m in?
Zoning maps are available here or you can call the office with the SBL number.
How do I determine if a lot is buildable?
Soil tests need to be done by an Engineer and submitted then approved by Town Engineer.
Who is responsible for permits? (contractor or homeowner)
The homeowner is the one ultimately responsible to obtain permits for their parcel.
Who is responsible for making sure inspections are completed?
The homeowner and contractor must communicate to make sure all proper inspections are completed by the Building Department.
Can I get a copy of my survey?
If a survey was ever provided to us, we keep it on file. You may call with your SBL number and inquire.
How do I schedule an inspection?
Call our office at 845.986.1127 at least 24 hours in advance.
What are residential setbacks?
The required footage you need to maintain from property lines.
How do I apply for a building permit?
You can mail or drop off in person to the Building Department. You can download the appropriate form(s) on the Building Department Documents page.
Can you recommend a contractor?
No we cannot.
Who do you call if having a dispute regarding boundary lines on property?
You must contact a New York State surveyor.
Why do I need a building permit?
To insure all buildings meet proper setbacks and are built to Town of Warwick and New York State codes.
What happens if I don’t get a permit?
The permit fee doubles.
How do I pay for a permit?
We accept cash, personal check, or money orders.
What if my project isn’t finished before the permit expires?
You are allowed to request up to 2 six-month extensions (no charge). Anything after that, a permit renewal must be obtained at a charge of $100.
Can anyone perform electric work in my home or do they need to be licensed?
Any electrical work must be done with an Orange County Licensed Electrician.
What type of insurance is required to obtain a permit?
New York State workers compensation is required (Forms: U-26.3 or C-105), a CE-200 form can be submitted, or homeowner may fill out a BP-1 Affidavit of Exemption form.
Do I need a permit to demolish a building?
Any structure larger than 20 x 20 requires a demolition permit.
What should I do if I see something that appears unsafe or a blight to the neighborhood?
You may submit a complaint form and a code enforcement officer will go out and investigate.
Can I cut a tree down on my property?
You may clear up to one-quarter acre before any approvals are required by the Town.