As we begin to work toward re-opening the state has launched the New York Forward website to serve as a resource to monitor the status of re-opening. On the website you can find:
· Industries Re-Opening Phases
· List of Members on the Hudson Valley Regional Control Room
· Regional Monitoring Dashboard
Below is a link to the latest Governor’s press releases, the 24-hour hotline number and New York State Department of Health website with the latest information.
Press Release: Governor Cuomo Directs Hospitals to Prioritize COVID-19 Testing for Children
24 Hour Hotline Number: 1-888-364-3065
Website: New York State Department of Health Coronavirus Website
If any businesses are interested in converting their existing manufacturing into producing equipment please have them fill out the following Procurement Form
If any members of your community members would like to get involved including applying to become a contact tracer, they can go to the following website: